Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Excerpt from Retaliation, Book 2 in the Almost Human series

Reporters packed the White House press room. As Press Secretary Tillson approached the lectern, they jumped out of their seats and started firing questions. He waved at them, like a rock star to his adoring fans.
When he reached the lectern, he motioned for everyone to sit. Several continued shouting questions. Tillson didn’t answer, and waved again for silence. Once the room quieted, he leaned toward the microphones and said, “I will read a prepared statement today, after which I will respond to five questions of my choosing.”
A murmur rolled through the crowd. A female reporter from the back of the pack leaped up and shouted, “Melinda Martinez, Today’s Truth Magazine. Is it true President Asir knew about these Newvers before the attacks against Homeland Security?”
Tillson tilted his head. Two plain-clothed Secret Service agents muscled their way through the crowd toward Melinda. One on either side, they latched onto her arms and with a practiced sweep, gathered her up along with her purse and briefcase, and all three disappeared through a side door.
“As long as there are no further interruptions, I will read the prepared statement.” -- Excerpt from Retaliation

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