This can't be real, Paul thought. It's just a dream. It has to be a dream.
His first reaction was, Run! He always ran from even a hint of danger. He'd spent his life avoiding larger aggressors, and at his size, they were all larger. But this time he struggled between running, and facing his attacker.
"This ain't no dream squirt, it's your worst nightmare." The muggers blade whistled in an arc so close to Paul's chest the tip snagged the material on the front of his shirt. Without encountering the expected resistance of his flesh, the slash threw the attacker off-balance, but he recovered quickly, and crouched, prepared to thrust the blade into Paul's midsection.
Though he couldn't fathom how, Paul knew by the manner and angle that the mugger now poised the katana blade for a lethal plunge. Part of Paul's mind froze in terror. Another, stronger part, stood waiting phlegmatically for the mugger's next move.
The man lunged, shooting his arm forward, and drove the razor-sharp weapon toward Paul's solar plexus. Without conscious thought, he sidestepped the attack. The knife whispered past, missing its deadly mark.
"Wake up!" Paul yelled.
The attacker's arm followed behind the thrusting knife.
Paul reached out and clamped onto the attacker's wrist with his right hand, twisted, and drove his left hand against the man's elbow. The joint snapped under the blow with a dull crack he felt more than heard...
BZZZZ--BZZZZ--BZZZZ. Complete darkness.
"It was a dream." He reached out from under the warm covers and plucked the cell phone from his nightstand. "Paul here."
-- Excerpt from Bigger, story 1 in Deliciously Dark Tales.

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