Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Dinosaurs in My Backyard

I discovered dinosaurs in my backyard.
Kind of like in the young adult fiction books Revelation, and Retaliation.
It happened when I went out to water the garden. I looked across the fence and there they were. I never thought of them that way before, but I recently read how chickens bear striking similarity to some dinosaurs. So, I thought, maybe...
Who would want one egg that made an omelet for six people?
I mean, if you had a craving for and omelet, or scrambled eggs, but nobody else did, it would be a waste to crack open a ten-inch egg. Even if you were really hungry - the cholesterol alone would be enough to make you think twice about it. Maybe.
But if you could breed smaller dinosaurs...
Get them down to about the size of, say a trilobite. The eggs would be about the right size. Take the dino runt and...
After a few hundred million years of evolving smaller and smaller egg laying dinosaurs through selective breeding, you could come up with a - chicken! As a bonus, when they stopped producing eggs, it would be easier to kill and eat them than vice versa like it was with the big ones.
As long as they didn't evolve into humans and seek retaliation for all those years of captivity.
If we could just figure out how to make cocoa beans the size of watermelons, we could make some mega hot chocolate to drink with our omelets.
On other thoughts, we've got to get Bigfoot to make a public appearance. He could show up and endorse a candidate, or maybe compete in the Boston Marathon, or, wait - Comicon! He wouldn't even need a costume.
The marathon though, that would be something. I watched a show that estimated Bigfoot lopes along at 25 miles an hour. He could turn in a best of class time in a marathon. Of course, he would also be the only one in his class, but maybe the next marathon he could convince some of his buddies to join.
They could have a grudge run.
I'll send him an email and see what he thinks.

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