Nightingale is a complex young adult fiction fantasy set in St George, Utah. Farlatd created not only complex and believable characters, but an entire parallel race without disrupting the familiar flow of life as most people perceive it. I especially enjoyed the progression of his main character and the internal conflict that begins to seethe in this book and left me expectantly waiting to see how he is going to deal with it as time and the future progresses. Tough choices for a teen drawn from nothing into - oops, almost gave away too much there.
Farland's style makes the story flow delightfully through a tale that in less capable hands might have been difficult to accept, but the author carries the reader along without a hint of letting disbelief drop from it's suspension over a world so familiar yet so unseen.
I found myself taking a closer look at those innocent looking cars full of kids, but I don't remember seeing anything out of the ordinary... but then, I probably wouldn't.
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