Friday, August 1, 2014

New Tribe Appears. It's right out of the pages of REVELATION!

Wow! I saw this story on abc news. It so reminded me of a similar account in my book Revelation, I wanted to share it. The story is like watching part of my book coming to life. (I'm sure that's what abc had in mind)

Tribe Emerges From Brazilian Jungle Possibly for First Time

A remarkable video shows a group of indigenous people seen for the first time by the outside world as they emerged from a Brazilian jungle while fleeing illegal loggers and drug traffickers, according a Brazilian group that tracks such jungle tribes.
The group of men are believed to be natives of Peru but they were filmed in northern Brazil on the banks of the Envira River which runs near the Peruvian border. The encounter took place within the last two weeks, but the video was released today by the Brazilian indigenous authority FUNAI.
The tribal men are naked except for belts and loincloths and carry different weapons, including bows and arrows and spears in the 8-minute video.
A few of the tribal men are seen with markings on their faces and they all have styled their dark black hair in a similar bowl-cut fashion.

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